Rewards program in the neighborhood?

Santana Row Online Concierge Service and Rewards Program.

When we first moved to the bay area from Colorado five years ago, we lived at Santana Row for a few years. We definitely took advantage of the experience and utilized the convenience of dining and shopping at Santana Row for those few years. My husband and I had discussed on many an occasion that SR needed a loyalty program for dining and shopping at Santana Row…and now, 3 years later, Santana Row’s Rewards Program has been implemented. Following is a summary of my online chat with the concierge service.

You are now chatting with ‘Concierge1’

Concierge1: Good Afternoon, welcome to the Santana Row Rewards site, is there something I can help you with today?‬

you: Hello, I just signed up for the rewards program online. If I bring my receipts in for today, when I pick up my card, they will be credited to my card that I signed up for correct? Thank you, Tiffany

Concierge1: Yes, absolutely, so you will want to bring in all your original receipts and we will be able to add those points towards your account. Our office is open Mon-Sat from 10am-9pm and Sunday from 11am-7pm.‬

Concierge1: We are always more than happy to help with any with questions or concerns that you may have with Santana Row, and are very excited to be able to have this program up and running for our loyal members! ‬

you: yes, we used to live at SR above SINO for 2 years and it was so much fun…now we live in a house but we still come to SR all the time…we had talked about SR needing a loyalty rewards program when we lived there…and FINALLY you guys got it. Too bad you didn’t have when we lived there, we spent a fortune on food and retail living there for 2 years! 🙂

you: Thanks for your help

you: I appreciate your quick response and helpfulness.

you: Sincerely, Tiffany Tuell

Concierge1: Oh wow! Too bad it wasn’t up then, it definitely would have been very beneficial! Well we hope that you will continue to come out and support our events, it’s because of you we get to continue to have such things here at Santana! ‬

Concierge1: Your very welcome! We hope to see you soon! ‬

Concierge1: My name is Katelyn, and if you ever have any questions or looking for some event information you can always contact myself or any of the concierge members and we would be glad to help! ‬

you: Katelyn, you are awesome, thanks and have a great day. Thank you very much. I will definitely work directly with you.

you: yes of course we will always be fans of SR and support events and will be patrons. You made my experience today for sure! Otherwise, this is just another program. Having a person to connect with made my experience great

Concierge1: Well I look forward to meeting you all in the near future, Hope that you enjoy the rest of this beautiful afternoon as well! Yes that is awesome, and I appreciate it very much that means a lot to me, I do love me job very much, and I enjoy helping customers like yourself! ‬


Katelyn, is a wonderful spokesperson and representative for Santana Row, for the new Santana Row Reward program and for the SR Concierge Service. She was personable, helpful, humble, a good listener, upbeat and gave relevant and helpful information about access for me to get credit for my receipts (points) and encouraged engagement with SR into the future for repeat business. Her tone and communication style exude customer focus. I will work directly with her for any future SR engagement because she engaged me into a conversation and invited me to keep connected.   The SR rewards program in and of itself has a lot of opportunity to grow (not all establishments are participating in offering a reward, some are ‘light’ rewards (discount etc.) and there are much more creative rewards to be had…) That said, as a spokesperson for the new program, Katelyn is a star and she made my day!